Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jennifer Shaheen (@sulilaw) advises you be selective inyour approach to social networking. I have a more liberal view
John Folk-Williams (@JohnFW) discusses the merits of Real Time Virtual Collaboration
Ben Parr (@benparr) of @Mashable raves about The Top 6 Game-Changing Features of Google Wave
Yahoo360 Social Platform is slated to close in July as part of some restructuring of Yahoo's social media approach
"In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield" - Warren Buffett
Justin Parks (@JustinParks) gives insights into Clients, Budgets and how to Cost a Website
Wayne Marsh (@JamaicanTwits) shares 10 things to consider before signing your next website contract
Jorjeo Iveniscovich shares his approach to link building
Now is not the time for businesses to reduce their marketing budget and particularly their expenditure on SEO
"So many fail because they don't get started - they don't go. They don't overcome inertia. They don't begin" - W. Clement Stone
"It is always the start that requires the greatest effort" - James Cash Penney
Music City Conference co-host Phil Cullum is on BlogTalkRadio
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes
Chris Crum's (@CCrum237) valuable overview of Google's effort to use integration to create a dominant social network
Suzanne’ Morrison (@SuzanneMorrison) provides 7 tips on How to Optimize your WordPress Blog for the Search Engines
Good Morning All! "Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure" - Napoleon Hill

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A look at the new social networking and an assortment of niche social networks to explore
"Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves" - Zig Ziglar
"When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve" -
Napoleon Hill
Tracy Fredrychowski (@tracy043) of the Search Engine Academy of South Carolina lists 10 Link Building Principles
Remember, according to Warren Buffett, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get" Keep the focus on value & service to others
The @videoswiper folks have a free SmartVideoPlus WordPress plugin. Use on as many of your blogs as you like
Stan Schroeder (@franticnews) writes on @Mashable about how Trent Reznor & Twitter Help Raise over $850,000 for Fan
Rick Broida (@cheapskateblog) discusses his use of Splitweet to manage multiple Twitter accounts. Time saver
Douglas A. McIntyre writes in Time about Microblogging profitability & 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business
Twitter is beginning to introduce a "House of Commons" element to U.S. legislatures and Congress. Arizona Example
A favor of all familiar with my "Economy of Action" Guide, please post a comment in the Warrior Forum
Good Morning All! Daily Thought: "I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information" -David Ogilvy
Good night all! Daily Reflection: "When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you" - Zig Ziglar
"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp" - Terry Pratchett

Friday, May 29, 2009

"As a rule, we find what we look for; we achieve what we get ready for" - James Cash Penney
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @JohnMelanson @timfahndrich @Luciamitro @MagneticWoman @diannawhitley @betti_dbac @anneholmes
Stephen DiMarco shares his top five takeaways from the 6th TNS Media and Compete's Digital CMO Summit
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @davidgideon @duFleurs @donnalendzyk @blindguy55 @newhorizons72 @3pgroup @PhotoMemories
"Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat" - Napoleon Hill
"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness" - Napoleon Hill
Michael Gray (@graywolf) explores the potential SEO impact of using a physical address online
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @ShannonGrissom @klane310 @seedplanter @luv4Animation @4u2behealthy @aureliom @straightstreet
Marketing Prof's study shows that use of Twitter has moved into the Business mainstream
This could have a major impact...Google Wave Integrates Email, Data Sharing, Tweets I'll explore it for BTR Sunday!
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @studentofsucces @valeriovillari @Budor @kellythomas1 @msphilosopher @carltonriddick
An insightful study Seeing Friends: An Eye Tracking and Usability Study of Social Website "Friends Lists" Download it!
Jack Loechner looks at current Nielsen Online data that shows Viewers 35+ yearolds Drive Long-Form Video Streaming
Janel Landis takes a closer look at two new search options: Wolfram|Alpha and Kumo...I mean MSN's Bing
Good Morning All! "Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner - Les Brown

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Success is about enjoying what you have and where you are, while pursuing achievable goals" -
Bo Bennett
Discover how small businesses can benefit from the recent changes in Google Reader with the addition of "Bundles"
These results to confirm what I found when I performed organizational communication audits. People want transparency!
U.S. mobile use is in its infancy and offers a tremendous marketing upside. New report compares U.S. access to China
Healthy Mantra: "Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new" - Og Mandino
Social aggregators continue to dominate the social media horizon. @RRW mentions some you should consider shares Twelve Twitter Tools, Tips, Tricks, Techniques and Twoubles (12 video interviews)
Second Andrew Goodman post about the ways that he sees @GuyKawasaki ruining Twitter (link in article to part 1)
An important resources to bookmark for SEO research and self-education. Bookmark it now and dig in!
List of the top 500 Internet retailers
Good morning all! Daily thought: "Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit" - Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment" - Tony Robbins
CNET News reports from the D7 conference. Video interview with Twitter's Evan Williams and Biz Stone by @InaFried
Discussion of how metro Police Departments are using Facebook & Twitter to "Protect and Serve"
Denise McVey, President of S3 Agency, discusses the importance of using Twitter & Social Media for branding
Belated good morning all! Daily thought: "Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought" -Napoleon Hill
Good Night All! Daily Reflection: "It doesn't matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going" - Brian Tracy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean" - Tony Robbins
Sample promo created & distributed to promote an event or small business using free social media tools
"Every minute you spend in your life is either spent bringing you closer to your goals or moving you away from your goals" - Bo Bennett
Tips on using "twearch engine" optimisation techniques to attract more followers for your Twitter account
Don't wait for absolute certainty before acting because: "Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process" - Harold S. Geneen
10 Steps For Mastering Your Social Domain
by David Berkowitz (@dberkowitz)
Valuable Spreadsheet for the Farm Town Game on Facebook Join me
Trevor Weir (@TrevorWeir) wants to wager that he has 2 SEO tips that you aren't aware of today. Pros know these!
Intelligently sifting through the Web using Twine and these other platforms identified by Victoria Ho (@vickiho)
7 Tips How to Get More Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites from Mina Norman
Good morning all! Daily Thought:"Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die today. Go another mile!"
Og Mandino
Good Night All! Daily Reflection: "Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes" - Napoleon Hill

Monday, May 25, 2009

16th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend Son of a Soldier by Brian Hollett
16th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend Tears of War Casting Crowns
15th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend Willing by Brian McRae
14th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend From a Soldier's wife & Nickleback
"Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most" - Bo Bennett
Morning all! 13th video to share with family, friends & followers this Memorial Day Weekend tribute by Casting Crowns
"Performance stands out like a ton of diamonds. Nonperformance can always be explained away" - Harold S. Geneen

Sunday, May 24, 2009

12th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend Ultimate Sacrifice by Moby
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit" - Napoleon Hill
10th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. Sara Brightman & Andrea Bocelli
Another great tip on using Twitter & FriendFeed together by Angela Connor (@communitygirl)
Check this video broadcasting platform being used by @Scobelizer and that I'm adding to &
Video from Robert Scoble (@scobleizer) showing how to use FriendFeed to cull through Twitter for valuable tweets
TechCrunch co-Editor @ErickSchonfeld notes that Twine is now bigger than FriendFeed. Join me nicheprof on both
9th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. By Kathy Dolan and Vic Caracciola
"Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new" - Og Mandino
"If your desk isn't cluttered, you probably aren't doing your job' - Harold S. Geneen
School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show is live now Call (718) 766-4782. Join us now. Mark us a favorite & subscribe via
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes
Discussion of the SEO benefits of submitting to directories. Search engine optimization (optimisation)
Commentary about and access to the new WordPress 2.8 beta2 blog platform
8th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. John Legend Tribute - Coming Home
Good morning all! Daily Thought:"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought" - Napoleon Hill
Good night all! Daily Reflection: "If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete"-Jack Welch Study your competition to find yours

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Personal Branding Interview: with Clara Shih, author of The Facebook Era and a employee @DanShawbel
Many new to Twitter may have missed @timbursch's 6 tips for building deeper connections using Twitter
15 Ways to Rework Your Next Blog Post Title from Darren Rowse @problogger
7th video to share with family,friends & followers on this Memorial Day. Military Tribute The Fray
Calendar Tweet: Tag, Share, and Promote events to be added to followers Calendars. Also create directly from Twitter
There is life beyond Facebook for College Students. 50 New Social Sites College Students Should Try Out
President Obama's Web 2.0 success has had global ramifications. Iran closes Facebook access until after election
"Action is the real measure of intelligence" - Napoleon Hill
6th video to share with family,friends & followers on this Memorial Day. Kelly Clarkson Military Tribute
50 basic and off the wall SEO (search engine optimisation/optimization) & promotion tips from across the pond.
5th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. Last Goodbye Soundtrack by Moby
4th video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. Garth Brooks Military Tribute
5 essential elements of an influential blog as seen by one of the primary influencers...@copyblogger
"The book you don't read won't help" - Jim Rohn
3rd video to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. Original Composition & Artist
2nd video in series to share with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day Weekend. Remember our NATO allies
Take a moment to share this video with family, friends & followers on this Memorial Day weekend
The Air Force launches a counter attack via Twitter. The strategic counter strike was reported by @MitchWagner
Interesting discussion of the merits of real time search. Views from Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Nicholas Carr
Great read to go with your morning cup of coffee. Case study: Eight O'Clock Coffee is brewing up social media success
Alyssa J. Rapp of @bottlenotes discusses the ways that you can use Twitter to learn about wine. More than @garyvee
Current security threats on Facebook & Twitter. So...beware
Good morning all! Daily Thought: "We create success or failure on the course [and in life] primarily by our thoughts" - Gary Player
Good night all! Daily Reflection: "Value people on their potential, not on their history" - Bo Bennett
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @ShannonGrissom @klane310 @seedplanter @luv4Animation @4u2behealthy @aureliom @straightstreet
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @davidgideon @duFleurs @donnalendzyk @blindguy55 @newhorizons72 @3pgroup @PhotoMemories
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @audiencemachine @SistaWAHMs @vegtv @happinessisbetr @dreamswillcome @barnlight @HedleyZafer

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @JohnMelanson @timfahndrich @Luciamitro @MagneticWoman @diannawhitley @betti_dbac @anneholmes
hanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @modeling22 @AliciaDunams @KenMcArthur @valeriovillari @epcotx @3xasif @searchguru @tap29
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @familyanatomy @jayxtreme @windrift @Mark_Braunstein @nathanegan @johnfurst @tonyblakelive
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @NicoleDean @MichealSavoie @RobertNelsoninc @AnnetteColby @HelenaRitchie @shelhorowitz
10 Easy Elements that Brand Yourself, Your Products and Your Business on Twitter by @ChrisBrown330
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @sherrierose @TheStoryLady @LynnJordan @holdemtalkradio @john_stiles @carltonriddick
MySandbox is another addition to the realm of social networks.
Have a pet? Know someone that loves their pet? Here is a social network for pets and those who feed them
Solid reasons that Vimeo trumps YouTube Vimeo: The Stronger the Social Network the Better the Videos
The Veterans Network of Care Web site is added to a collection of resources that can serve us all. Bookmark it now!
Bzz Philips & Walgreens Join New WOM Social Network specifically designed for brand discussions
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @TinaCook @john_yeo @QuitOnPurpose @CaptnAffiliate @WorkIntegrity @art4thehomeless @GrowMap
Univ of Missouri says incoming journalism students must have iPhone or Blackberry. They'll be prepared! LOL VidBreak!
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @bgreen @wchingya @mecarluen @luisgalarza @ThomScott @JRStratford @adamtaha @lspearmanii
Excellent piece by SEO Pro Robin Nobles on significance of user generated content and 8 tips for encouraging it
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @korkykathman @bkmacdaddy @themediaczar @studentofsucces @salesguru33 @Champigny @stuarttan
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @JasonDunmore @aceconcierge @VOLOforDRBC @jmarks @gajsubudhi @stillsafe @mikestivala @ocmnet
Thanks @sylviefortin for commenting on @KeithGoodrum's Twitter followers article. Beware of absolutes. Love the grey!
Important alert for those of you using texting: "Smishing" uses fake mobile messages to harvest personal data
Giving small business the big picture. Enable businesses to compete with and frustrate their larger competitors
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @bolora @bobwarren @RonakGanatra @onlineresume @terrycrim @karenchia @elegantslummer @pphilp
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @ElsomEldridge @jim_turner @paulina1 @gwynnfowler @BobBurg @ateegarden @joelwesseldyke
"Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance" - W. Clement Stone
Pew Internet & American Life Project Report on "Online Classifieds"-their impact on traditional newsprint classifieds
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @rondavies @AdamUrbanski @bobtheteacher @MelodyInFlorida @nicole_harrison @calm_compassion
Excellent article by @jennita on the SEOmozBlog "URL Rewrites and 301 Redirects - How Does It All Work?"
Whenever SEO pro @MikeMoran is asked "How many search keywords can I target per page?" he has one answer...ONE!
Jill Whalen (@JillWhalen) lists 85 Reasons Why Website Designers/Developers Keep SEOs in Business
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @CheriSigmon @drdollars @newthoughts @jacky_brown @k0zm0zs0ul @jwatts @sandrafriend @nlbctim
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @shellystarzz @coryschop @Karmatical @MagneticMojo @Ryan_Pearson @payshel @John_Cussons
Major shift forecast in ad spending. Local Advertising Slumps - but Handheld (mobile) Ads Will Soar
Kumo, is a new search engine Microsoft plans to release. Demo Reveals Semantic Category Features, Ecommerce Emphasis
Google Analytics Tracks Fresh YouTube Viewer Data (previously-unavailable information)
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions @jshuey @TheWineWhore @SonnyAhuja @teresakeiser @jonathanbentz @lizarddawg @GrowWear @SDHolmes
A collection of articles that provide tips on how to create a digital classroom on a limited budget
How to write magnetic headlines is another in the headline copywriting series from @copyblogger
Brian Clark @copyblogger shares tips on writing headlines that work that he's learned from Bob Bly and others
Useful older post. Some People Write Headlines. Others Write GREAT Headlines. Which are you?
Report from Borrell Associates forecasts your mail box is about to become less cluttered & local email is on the rise
Quality & overall value, rather than price, are driving forces behind consumer purchase decisions in current economy
This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV)
A guide to creating your own eBooks from the idea stage right up until distribution with a $0 Budget
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @gwynnfowler @WillieCrawford @JKWleadership @GeoffPeterson @anitafiander @Mollyinfolode
Tom Wellborn (@TLW3) lists 10 reasons why he might choose to follow or unfollow a person on Twitter
Second article for an astronomical escape this weekend. Your own telescopic view from your computer
Thought you might enjoy a couple of resources for stargazing this weekend. Tip of hat to @TaraEuphoria
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @UrsulaKauth @edwardcates @markazevedo @RetireWithCarla @MichDdot @newthoughts @ecs_dave
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @shannoncherry @jstratford @rickybobby77 @SOC_LRD @NickTako @barefoot_exec @marismith
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @RandyTheHermit @Kerrysherin @mikestivala @DavidCarleton @affiliatetips @SeeYouOnTheCall
Good Morning All! DailyThought: "There are winners, there are losers and there are people who have not yet learned how to win" - Les Brown

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good Night All! Daily Reflection: "Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work" - Peter Drucker
Download a copy of Harvard University working paper asking: Do Friends Influence Purchases in a Social Network?
Lon S. Cohen (@Obilon) provides an insightful analysis of the differences between social media & social networking
Ron Shulkin (@shulkin) asks the question we frequently overlook: What happens if your social network dies?
Reciprocal Links Strategy - How to Use It. Reciprocal linking should be limited & not first choice for incoming links
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this" - Terry Pratchett
35 Online Tools That Make Your Freelance Career Easier. A site for all feelancers and those of you who prefer to DIY
16 Boring but Important Ways to Make Your Business More Social from @ShannonPaul - Solid Tips!
"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals" - Jim Rohn
Evidence that engaging with others can make a difference in this anecdotal case study from @ChrisBrogan
Recent changes by Google to its Google suggests tool, prompts @AndyBeal to make some insightful observations
Thanks to @mjcarter for reminding me about @BenParr's article on @Mashable about using Twitter #hashtags
"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win" - Zig Ziglar
Download this White Paper showing How Nonprofits and Associations Enhance Offine Events Using Social Networking
20 Winning Elements Of a Viral Campaign
Area businesses flock to social media workshop Training features popular social sites Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
Seth Godin video speaking about the tribes we lead. Don't miss this opportunity and Bookmark it for future reference
Creating Brain-Burning Brand Names to Boost Business is important. 5 How-To Tips from one who knows how @MichelFortin
Are you looking for an offbeat site to post your home business and how to video tutorials? Here is one to consider
Billboard reports that Kris Allen may not be the real winner of "American Idol!" The real American Idol winner is...
Paul Bonanos (@Bonanos) reports regarding Social MTV: Adds YouTube Videos
Twitoaster is a new tool that threads your twitter conversations like on a message board or forum context
In "The Twitter Tutor" Paul Boutin teaches you some tricks to master it. Twitter to Oprah as Beatles to Ed Sullivan
As I predicted a couple of months ago, coaches & college athletic programs using Twitter & Facebook may face NCAA ire
Good morning all! Daily Thought: "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying" - Michael Jordan

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Night All! Daily Reflection: "Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most" - Bo Bennett
Anthony Vultaggio @AnthonyOnAir explores How Introvert & Extrovert Interaction Style Impacts Online Networking
"Beware the Social Media Charlatans" warns Robert Strohmeyer @rstrohmeyer That's reasonable advice but not damning!
Social networking is key to business, worker success, according to Marcia Heroux Pounds, Ft Lauderdale, Sun-Sentinel
Jessica Tsai on How Online Social Networking Explains Offline Social Behavior International AAAI Conference 2009
Social Media has reached its tipping point, with 83% of the online population now using it in some form
For those who missed @PeterKim's compilation of SOCIAL MEDIA PREDICTIONS 2009, its time a reality check Download PDF
Learning without limits. How the rise of online instruction is changing the nature of schooling - Christine Van Dusen
When does logic trump Social Media? American Idol. 1 million votes separated Adam & Kris last week. Logic has more Gokey votes to Kris Allen
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" - W. Clement Stone Right, Kris Allen?
"It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living" -
Terry Pratchett
Welcome to the Free Music Archive (Beta) "It's not just free music; it's good music"
According to Armand Morin: "Exposure is the key to your success" Have doubts? Just ask Michael Lee Austin
Check out the free @hubspot webinar 'New Research on Press Release Best Practices'- Be sure to download the presentation
SEOptimise provides 41 Ultimate SEO Tips from SMX London 2009
American Idol Winner: Can Google Predict the Results? Why not if you're looking for social measurements?
Knowledge is NOT power. Applied knowledge IS power!
"It doesn't matter where you start. It matters that you start and where you finish" - Debra Thompson Roedl
In his book "You Squared" Price Prichett provides a valuable lesson for all marketers & salespeople
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein
"Learn to get paid for your ideas and not for your time and work effort" - Christopher Guerriero
Are you a master of the 3 W's? Wait for opportunity. Watch other people prosper. Wish that you get lucky. Don't just wait, watch & wish.
Thanks to @BrianSolis for showing us new approaches to using press & media releases
The Young Entrepreneurs Choice - Top 3 Photo Sharing Sites from @thebizguy
How can a list of 10 essential Twitter tools for business miss TwitterAnalyzer, PostLater & TweetLater Professional?
Paul Andrew (@speckboy) shares 100 Amazing Free Wordpress Themes for 2009 via Smashing Magazine
Good Morning All! "Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business" - Warren Buffett
Good Night All! ""Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness" - Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future" - Jim Rohn
Thanks to @AlHaigh for sharing Steven Snell's 12 Blogs with Freebies for Commercial Design Use
For @KevinRiley: "They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance" Terry Pratchett
100 education related Twitter feeds and tweeple to follow
Brick Marketing-5 ways that Twitter can grow your online business in the current post on the Social Marketing Journal
Don't buy this system! Study it. Benefit from the information. Discover the advantages of social networking for you
Reverse promo from Conan O'brien about a new media called television as an alternative to your computer & cellphone
"It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of experience. Someone with courage to live his dreams" -Les Brown
Thanks to @maricheney for her article about Utah lawyers using Web 2.0 in current Utah Bar Journal (Download .pdf)
MG Siegler (@parislemon): TechCrunch reports that Mogulus has made a bold, positive move rebranding to
Leadership counts.“Deloitte & Touche USA 2007 Ethics & Workplace” survey results (Download for added reference)
Transparency matters: Deloitte 2008 Ethics & Workplace Survey results (Download for added reference)
Download Social networking and reputational risk in the workplace Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results
If you are using Plaxo Ultra (and I suggest you should be), add the new Facebook Connect option to make connecting with others easier.
Amie Parnes reports that the White House is expanding its Internet outreach
Survey: Bosses concerned about Facebook, Twitter
Tim Beyers (@milehighfool) original argument with Rick Aristotle Munarriz that Twitter beats Facebook
Rick Aristotle Munarriz argues with Tim Beyers (@milehighfool) that Facebook has more potential than Twitter
Tons of valuable resources for bloggers assembled for easy access at @mashable's Blogging Lists, Resources & How-Tos
"If you are going to ask yourself life-changing questions, be sure to do something with the answers" - Bo Bennett
Good Morning All! Daily Thought: "Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea" - Jim Rohn

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good Night All! "Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything" - W. Clement Stone
Jennifer Van Grove (@jbruin) indicates 25 Twitter Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts
"Wise men, when in doubt whether to speak or to keep quiet, give themselves the benefit of the doubt, and remain silent" - Napoleon Hill
3rd Part of a series on Small Business Marketing by Wendy Riley-Biddle: 5 Rules of Social Media Optimisation
2nd Part of a series on Small Business Marketing by Wendy Riley-Biddle: Two tenants of online Social Marketing
1st Part of a series on Small Business Marketing by Wendy Riley-Biddle: What is Social Media About?
Twitter creator Jack Dorsey on user retention, Facebook comparisons
Formal announcement by NBC tomorrow, however, it appears a Twitter campaign saved "Chuck" for 13 more episodes
"Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most" - Bo Bennett
Reminder, if you used for videos the site is closing on June 15, 2009. It's part of the ongoing prioritization efforts at Yahoo!
Access some of the fresh, new WordPress themes for free here. Experiment with your artistic side
Online Security Pro Dancho Danchev alerts us that Spammers are harvesting emails from Twitter - in real time
Creative Commons Releases Facebook App: Choose a License for Your Photos, Videos, and Status Updates from @RWW
My buddy @RobertPlank shares an important tip for new marketer on @MichelFortin's blog but build a tribe not a list
Watchitoo: Create Instant Community Around Online Video and Photos [@Mashable has a few beta Invites]
A slide presentation from GeekSugar with tips on how to organize your social accounts
Tom Johansmeyer (@TJohansmeyer) introduces you to the social media world of cigar fans & aficianados
You probably won't find Tony Danza here, but, you'll meet top execs using MeetTheBoss instead of Twitter & Facebook
Like kids running to the music of an ice cream truck, Twitter is tweeting foodies to mobile food vendors
News: Revenue from mobile social networking and user-generated content is forecast to grow to $70 billion in 2012
New Online Social Network to Help Recent Graduates and Young Professionals Start and Advance Their Careers
Check out the new WordPress blog available as a beta. Mani Karthik (@manikarthik) provides added details on new theme installer & features
Abbey Klaassen reports "Twitter Proves Its Worth as a Killer App for Local Businesses" with specific examples
Special Alert-Social Publishing Site Scribd Adds E-Commerce; 80 Percent Revenues To Publishers
Distinctions between search and searches done for the purpose of shopping. Know all of the players and who is hot!
Beyond YouTube: Important video shift and tremendous growth being seen by Hulu among middle-agers
2D Barcodes poised for global explosion now that Google is testing New Barcode Technology in a Newspaper Ad Program
NOTE: 2D Barcode Generator to Bring E-Commerce Mobile, Skycore Hopes mDAR's 2D barcode generators are open-source
10 Tips To Improve Internet Marketing For Your Manufacturing Website from @JonathanBentz
Alex Madison and Lisa Harmon suggest you Be Your Subscribers' Best Friend: Design EMail for Dynamic Content
For those of you trying to understand the power and potential of Twitter, data shared by @shoemoney gives a clue
Download The Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience Web 2.0 Report, Podcast & Transcripts here now
Survey confirms that the age of your target market should shape the nature of your offer for higher conversions
UserVoice Rolls Out Customer Feedback and Idea Generation Tool Based on New “Ideas Anywhere” Approach
You probably won't find Efrem Zimbalist Jr. but starting today you can follow the FBI on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter +
Cities are beginning to wrestle with the potential legal consequences & implications of creating pages on Facebook
Good Morning All! Daily Thought: "The true success is the person who invented himself" - Al Goldstein

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Good Night All! Daily Reflection: "Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying" -
W. Clement Stone
17 Ways to Visualize Twitter Universe grouped into four categories - network diagrams, maps, analytics, and abstract
How to determine 1st person you followed on Twitter. Go to page 2 of Follows; divide # you follow by 20; replace 2 at end of url with answer
What do singer/songwriter Harry Chapin & Dr. Ron Capps the NicheProf have in common? Click link for the lyrical answer
"Managers in all too many American companies do not achieve the desired results because nobody makes them do it" - Harold S. Geneen
View & Download these HubSpot video Interview snippets between @bhalligan & John Battelle on the Future of Search
My friend @SimonLeung was one of the original Google Adwords Sr. Optimizers. This Google Patent provides task details
"Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money" - Johnny Cash
"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win" - Zig Ziglar
School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show is live now Call (718) 766-4782. Join us now. Mark us a favorite & subscribe via
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes
My friend @mikepaetzold anounced a new working relationship between and WordPress
Here are 10 ways that @MattJurmann lists to keep your Twitter Followers
An overview of the importance of nurturing inbound links for site sustainability and growth
If you've ever had an idea for a social application you'd like to create, this may be the way to do it for free
unConference Singapore 2009 – startups and platforms provides a glimpse of some new resources on the horizon
Good Morning All! "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure" - Colin Powell

Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning" - Benjamin Franklin
"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success" - Dale Carnegie
Discover How To Create Your Own Social Networking Site With One of These 5 Free Social Network Platforms monitors keywords & conversations like Google Alert. Find potential contacts. Archive results available beyond Twitter Search.
Google is not only one of the biggest gorillas in the room it also earned $209,624 per employee in 2008
2 Excellent slideshows from VizEdu that show use of Twitter for Medicine and a fictional Social Media Case Study
Revealing insights from @FrankReed as he comments on Twitter Executives respond to errors of haste vs. Facebook
This post from @JordanMcCollum asks "Are You Breaking the Law with Social Media Marketing?" I'll post FTC Guide next
Excellent post from@LouisGray showing how he manages his flow of social media data
If you've overlooked the Social Marketing Impact blog of Maria Reyes-McDavis (@websuccessdiva) don't. Solid Resource
Creative Fusion Media discusses 3 open source content management systems for churches and nonprofit organizations
Sound Social Media Advice shared in a not very social media friendly way. Credit the Author upfront not buried at end
WOW! Sarah Gray (@segray) shares photography tips that will make your business pop and grow to the next level
Jun Loayza (@JunLoayza) provides sound advice for preparing of an interview that also applies to presentations
Stephen Beals, author & contributor to "The Printing News," lists his 20 top LinkedIn Social Networks for printers
Good morning all! Daily Thought: "Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat" - Napoleon Hill
Good night all! Daily Reflection: "You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers" - Les Brown

Friday, May 15, 2009

Jon Lebkowsky (@jonl) relies on his vast experience to share guidelines for building and managing communities
10 key learnings about social media that every corporate social media marketer should know from @PaulaDrum
A classic @leeodden post that you shouldn't miss with 25 social media marketing tips from the doers
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @Mollyinfolode @ShannonGrissom @klane310 @seedplanter @luv4Animation @4u2behealthy @aureliom
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @davidgideon @duFleurs @donnalendzyk @blindguy55 @newhorizons72 @3pgroup @anitafiander
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mention: @anneholmes @JohnMelanson @timfahndrich @Luciamitro @MagneticWoman @diannawhitley @betti_dbac
If you do any work with local businesses or local search, you'll want to read these insights from @BrianCarter
Controversial Harvard report contends that Google inflates its conversion rates to increase advertising revenue
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @modeling22 @AliciaDunams @KenMcArthur @valeriovillari @epcotx @3xasif @GrowWear @SDHolmes
Example showing how some arts and nonprofit groups are beginning to use Twitter and Facebook to find patrons
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @familyanatomy @jayxtreme @windrift @Mark_Braunstein @nathanegan @johnfurst @tonyblakelive
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @NicoleDean @MichealSavoie @RobertNelsoninc @AnnetteColby @HelenaRitchie @shelhorowitz
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @StevoMoviemaker @michaelkpoh @jhipkin @theCSRfeed @cheergiver @ZnaTrainer @markhendricks
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @shellystarzz @coryschop @Karmatical @MagneticMojo @shannoncherry @Ryan_Pearson @payshel
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @TinaCook @john_yeo @QuitOnPurpose @CaptnAffiliate @WorkIntegrity @art4thehomeless @GrowMap
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @bgreen @wchingya @mecarluen @luisgalarza @ThomScott @JRStratford @adamtaha @lspearmanii
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @korkykathman @bkmacdaddy @themediaczar @studentofsucces @salesguru33 @Champigny @stuarttan
Just had a call from @ElsomEldridge asking I reschedule a group call tonight til Monday. Guess my wife Cindy and I'll have some family time!
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @drmani @Jim_Berry @JasonDunmore @aceconcierge @VOLOforDRBC @jmarks @gajsubudhi @stillsafe
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @bolora @bobwarren @RonakGanatra @onlineresume @terrycrim @karenchia @elegantslummer @pphilp
This belongs on everyone's desktop: The Wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi That We Need be Reminded of courtesy of Craig Johnson
RT @ mecarluen: Great #FollowFriday 4 Genuine content not marketing pitches @nicheprof @kimbeasley @indiebusiness @adamtaha @kevincottrell
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @ElsomEldridge @jim_turner @paulina1 @gwynnfowler @BobBurg @ateegarden @joelwesseldyke
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @rondavies @AdamUrbanski @bobtheteacher @MelodyInFlorida @nicole_harrison @calm_compassion
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @kelseypromo @changeisgood1 @PaulRamsayBCH @PatMarcello @ShariFitness @AnnetteDubow @jmarks
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @UrsulaKauth @edwardcates @markazevedo @RetireWithCarla @MichDdot @newthoughts @ecs_dave
Download newest Nielsen data on "Power Moms" (The Power 50) These women age 25-54 are 19.2% of people active online
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @jstratford @rickybobby77 @SeeYouOnTheCall @SOC_LRD @NickTako Off to vet w/ Nanny a Munchkin
Thanks for the Twitter #FollowFriday mentions: @CheriSigmon @drdollars @newthoughts @jacky_brown @k0zm0zs0ul @jwatts @sandrafriend @nlbctim
More info on Google's new Wonder Wheel Search Option from Todd Friesen (@oilman) with @MattCutts notes

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good night all! Daily Reflection: "Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes" -
Zig Ziglar
"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult" - Warren Buffett
Thanks to Ellie Drake for pointing to a social network for women
"You can't run a business or anything else on a theory" - Harold S. Geneen
@michelfortin is having a "network" moment and I'm with him on this post. He should set it to "Moonlight Gambler"
Most recent post in the SEOptimized Series:
30+ More Non-Google SEO “How to” Online Marketing Resources for 2009
2nd post in the SEOptimized Series: 35 Non-Google SEO How tos, Tutorials & Other Resources
The post on SEOptimized that started it all:
10 Non-Google SEO Ways to Promote your Business Online in 2009
Critical SEO information from Alex Chudnovsky of Majestic SEO & free tools to take action as you check IP neighbors
Google search may be the big dog but Ivan Strouchliak shows you Optimization for Yahoo tips
Google announces search changes at the Searchology Event that may impact the way we optimize (optimise) for searches
"If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams" - Les Brown
The Online Video Marketing Guide from the Internet Advertising Bureau is a great new resource for online marketers
The Secret to making $105,192 per year online is to focus on merely making 20 cents a minute and automating the process.
Google is trying to do all within their power to invite you into a "Googlefied" world with new GMail Import Feature
My friend Alex Sysoef (@TheSpotter) shares 5 important, practical steps to implementing WordPress Blog Security
"Don't wait. The time will never be just right" -
Napoleon Hill. In the words of his benefactor, W. Clement Stone, "Do it now!"
Download a copy of Information Week's Analytics Report The Business Case For Social Networks
Discover why social media terrorizes so many company executives to the point of paralysis
Morning all! Gabriel Goldenberg's blog is worthy of a bookmark or RSS Feed for consistently valuable SEO insights

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes" - Bo Bennett
Systems Admin Rick Vanover (@RickVanover) stresses benefits of rapid-fire social networking: Twitter for companies
Mary Beth Breckenridge provides her guide to social networking on Facebook for clueless adults
If you work with nonprofits or are interested in social media, access these toolkits from ThePort Network
"If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians" - Warren Buffett
If you ever use WordPress or are looking for cut-n-paste easy CSS snippets, you've just hit the Trifecta!
"Remember that it is not where you come from, or not even where you are; it is where you are going that matters most" - Bo Bennett
New data on online purchasing patterns explodes the myths that others may be using as an excuse for poor performance
Download the new Nielsen Online U.S. Data & Overall Online Video Usage Figures for April, 2009
Connie Reece (@ConnieReece) notes 6 ways to improve your destination marketing (and why you’re toast if you don’t)
JD Rucker (@0boy) gets it! Social Media is a golden ticket for branding & search engine reputation management
Example of how you can share and potentially profit from your social media expertise locally @allenmireles
Discover what nonprofit organizations can learn from fan's efforts to save the NBC Program Chuck
Use Twitter? You'll want to bookmark this list of 100 Twitter tips from my friend @dhollings PLEASE RETWEET
Thanks to @Mike_Stelzner for pointing out Erick Schonfeld's (@ErickSchonfeld) report on Twitter's recent growth
Jon Warman discusses the ways to use Publisher to interact with & integrate to your Facebook Pages
Mirza Hatipovic (@mirzahat) one of a series of tutorials showing you Component Architecture for Facebook Applications
If you have a Windows Mobile Phone you'll probably want to download the new Facebook App
Good Morning All! Daily Thought: "Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process" - Harold S. Geneen

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Every minute you spend in your life is either spent bringing you closer to your goals or moving you away from your goals" - Bo Bennett
"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes" - Peter Drucker
"If your desk isn't cluttered, you probably aren't doing your job" - Harold S. Geneen
Are serious about using Twitter as a business tool? This new resource can be an important tool for analyzing metrics
One individual's effort to capture the attention of his group and Explain Social Media to a Sales Driven Organization
Liana Evans suggest that companies learn to use their employees in their social media marketing strategies
Download this older report from the J.C.Williams Group demonstrating the Internet's Influence on purchases
Chris Wine notes a fundamental shift in revenue attribution & tracking when looking at how to mine your sales funnel <a href=""></a>
Download this older report from the J.C.Williams Group demonstrating the Internet's Influence on purchases
Interesting post from John Britsios: "Bot Herding: The Ultimate Tool for PageRank Sculpting" in Search Engine Journal
Steve Smith discusses a philosophical mobile marketing shift "Don't MAKE Them Pay; SHOW Them In"
**Special Alert - Download this Free Business & Life Changng Manifesto from Dr. Mani & Bonus! <a href=""></a>
Download a life changing manifesto just published by Dr. Mani then
Anyone involved with (or concerned about) education or home schooling (K-20) should register for these free resources
National Assn for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) Report Finds Use of Social Networking Tools on the Rise
Good Morning All! Daily Thought: "You take on the responsibility for making your dream a reality" - Les Brown

Monday, May 11, 2009

"How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success" - E Hubbard
Download this 123 page report looking at the current state of broadband in the U.S. as compared to other countries
Some sage advice for nonprofit organizations tempted by the lure of storytelling and need to link to specific actions
Download this to understand the attitudes, behaviors & habits of African immigrants -an overlooked $50 Billion Market <a href=""></a>
Download this to understand the attitudes, behaviors & habits of African immigrants -an overlooked $50 Billion Market <a href=""></a>
Download your copy of the 2009 Women and Social Media Study by BlogHer, iVillage and Compass Partners
How The New York Times envisions version 2.0 of the newspaper. Insights from The Nieman Journalism Lab
"More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth" - Napoleon Hill
Save $3000 but pay attention to the summary of the adoption Web-to-TV video capability & revenue potential <a href=""></a>
Google search domination continues in April as it accounted for 72.74% of all US searches <a href=""></a> Yahoo & MSN down Ask up
Free Audio Generator To Put Audio On Your Web Site. There's no reason to pay for an audio generator for your web site
Julia Hyde (@JuliaHyde) 6 Things High Ranking Websites Have That Yours Doesn�t
21 Premium-Like Free Photoblog Themes For WordPress. Captivating and full of potential
A new Twitter tool is introduced to discover, manage, and protect your Twitter social circle. Not for IE
Courts may decide where the line is between employees public & private social communications & employer monitoring <a href=""></a>
A useful older post from @JasonHiner providing 11+ reasons that businesses & business owners should use Twitter <a href=""></a>
Jason Hiner (@JasonHiner) identifies what he sees as the four stages of the average Twitter user
Nancy McCord (@mccordweb) makes an effort to demystify Twitter for business users
Good Morning All!. Daily Thought: "Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them" - Les Brown

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Calling it a day, gang. Reflecton: "Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive" - Napoleon Hill
Do you want to search on Google & Twitter? You can! Twootles let's you search on Google and Twitter at the same time <a href=""></a>
Darren Rowse @problogger shares 27 Twitter Tools To Help Find & Manage Followers from Dainis Graveris @1stwebdesigner <a href=""></a>
Case Study used by the Harvard Business School showing 17 mistakes to avoid as a start-up business
Do you have an interest in fashion or are you a part of the fashion industry? If so, this is your social network!
Yann Gourvennec (@ygourven) identifies 7 Reasons Why the Business World Hates Social Media
Using bDule to monitor Twitter, Twitter Search and Facebook stream from my desktop. Multiple templates. Windows Only
Free tool for laying out a mind map that allows you to see the interrelationship between project components
"I've learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success" - Jack Welch
Tim Leberecht reports on The Seven Rules of the Chief Meaning Officer from Germany's Next09 International Conference
Interesting take on how sciences and researchers can benefit from the power of Web 2.0
Nicole Belle (@NicoleBelle) shows us the social media lessons that we can all take from cute cats and kittens
A new collaborative podcast is becoming the go-to place for government and Web 2.0 innovators to share best practices
"It is much more difficult to measure nonperformance than performance" - Harold S. Geneen
School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show is live now Call (718) 766-4782. Join us now. Mark us a favorite & subscribe via
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes <a href=""></a>
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes <a href=""></a>
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears" - Les Brown
"Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible" - Marion C. Garretty Happy Mother's Day to all!
Pete Cashmore (@Mashable) is enthusiastic about Seesmic's new desktop application that fully integrates Facebook
5 great Twitter research tools to analyze trends & raw Twitter data. See also <a href=""></a> companion piece <a href=""></a>
Ben Parr (@BenParr) shows us 7 Ways to Create Your Own Social Start Page. I already use 5 of them.
Cameron Chapman (@Cameron_Chapman) lists 85+ of the Best Twitterers Designers Should Follow
In the spirit of having a happy Mother's Day, Ben Parr (@BenParr) shares 5 Social Media Tools for New Moms
Jeff Kunerth reports the use of social media is changing the way churches communicate with their congregations

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good night all! Daily Reflection: "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get" - Warren Buffett
Helpful visual from George Benckenstein (@Benckenstein) depicting Interruption vs Engagement Marketing
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" - Napoleon Hill - They add up!
Steve Cowley identifies his 3 biggest lies of Internet Marketing and then seems to contradict his own warning measure
You can't make excuses and money at the same time" - @Stephen_Pierce
5 steps to generate organic (free) traffic. Search Engine Optimisation Search Engine Optimization SEO
An older post of value showing 6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan <a href=""></a>
"Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement" - Peter Drucker - Have you powered up today?
Chris Pirillo (@ChrisPirillo) reveals his picks for the Top 10 Web tools for editing digital pictures
Nifty little tip courtesy of @suburbview to display the date that a page was created in your Google Search Results
In Paul Harvey Tradition, we can thank @BillHibbler for "the rest of the story" and implications of the switch
In a move that many may have missed, Twitter has cast aside Tinyurl for the newer to shorten message links
Contrary to this post's conclusion, successful competitive internet marketing research doesn't require a monetary fee
"...set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you" - Les Brown
New Desktop Application monitors Twitter, Twitter Search and Facebook stream in one place. Windows Systems Only
Morning all! Daily Thought: "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes" - Benjamin Disraeli
Good night all! "Giving people self-confidence is by far the most important thing that I can do. Because then they will act" - Jack Welch
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @audiencemachine @SistaWAHMs @vegtv @SDHolmes @happinessisbetr @nlbctim

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @JohnMelanson @timfahndrich @nathanegan @johnfurst @tonyblakelive
Thanks to these Tweeple 4 suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @NicoleDean @modeling22 @AliciaDunams @KenMcArthur @valeriovillari @epcotx
"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make" - Les Brown
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter @NicoleDean @MichealSavoie @RobertNelsoninc @AnnetteColby @HelenaRitchie
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @familyanatomy @shelhorowitz @jayxtreme @windrift @stuarttan @payshel
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @jim_turner @paulina1 @gwynnfowler @BobBurg @ateegarden @joelwesseldyke
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @StevoMoviemaker @michaelkpoh @shelhorowitz @theCSRfeed @cheergiver
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @drmani @Jim_Berry @lspearmanii @TinaCook @john_yeo @QuitOnPurpose
SlideServe is the easiest way to upload and share (Publicly/Privately) your PowerPoint presentations with the world
Lately, seniors have been stepping away from the bingo boards and turning to computer keyboards for socializing
�Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom: How Online Social Networking Will Transform Your Life, Work and World.� Discussion
Facebook, MySpace and Twitter now host the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the IndyCar Series & Firestone Indy Lights <a href=""></a>
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @bgreen @wchingya @mecarluen @luisgalarza @ThomScott @JRStratford
Scapegoating social media sites for the common ills of society. Craigslist falls in line behind attacks on MySpace
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @korkykathman @bkmacdaddy @themediaczar @studentofsucces @salesguru33
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @elegantslummer @JasonDunmore @pphilp @aceconcierge @VOLOforDRBC @jmarks
Thanks to these Tweeple 4 suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @elegantslummer @JasonDunmore @pphilp @aceconcierge @VOLOforDRBC @jmarks
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @bolora @bobwarren @RonakGanatra @onlineresume @terrycrim @karenchia
Thanks to these Tweeple 4 suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @rondavies @AdamUrbanski @bobtheteacher @MelodyInFlorida @nicole_harrison
Excellent post from @ScottMonty on the power of "mommy bloggers" with some facts you should know
"Fill the Gap": The Smithsonian Museum of American Art Gets Fun *and* Practical with Web 2.0 Check it out!
Intute: an excellent resource for the social sciences. It's a free database of Web resources for education & research <a href=""></a>
A look at a few jquery plugins from the popular Java Script Library to tap into the power and potential of Twitter
Robin Good (@RobinGood) Why Tracking External Links Can Help You Improve Website Traffic #FollowFriday
Marshall Kirkpatrick (@MarshallK) reports on 3 models of value in the real time web
Emerging trends from a report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience Full Report on 12th
Example of adapting an old concept to a web 2.0 world. The Jewish Yellow Pages make initial debut on Facebook
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @kelseypromo @changeisgood1 @PaulRamsayBCH @PatMarcello @ShariFitness
Jeff Schwerdt (@JeffSchwerdt) Tips for Better Flip Audio, Easy Video Script, Video SEO and a Free 40 page guide
Thanks to these Tweeple for suggesting others follow me on Twitter: @UrsulaKauth @edwardcates @markazevedo @RetireWithCarla @MichDdot