Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Social Bookmarking call about to start for a free teleconference tonight at 9pm EST http://ping.fm/L4MDG call & pdf
Reminder: If you are interested in social bookmarking? Join us for a free teleconference tonight at 9pm EST http://ping.fm/L4MDG call & pdf
Are you interested in social bookmarking? Join us for a free teleconference tonight at 9pm EST http://ping.fm/L4MDG
Catherine Spurway (@Cat_Spurway) takes on the underuse of Rich Media and myths surrounding Rich Media http://budurl.com/flks
Anyone seeking to be at the leading edge of a niche or trend can use these trend spotting tracking tools & techniques http://budurl.com/kyg3
iMedia's 2009 Edition of those they've identified as the Top 25 Internet Marketing Leaders & Innovators http://budurl.com/3mu5
Some great comments and video from a recent conference on the topic of social change http://budurl.com/lkg2
Example of major companies finding creative ways to tap into a legion of online Moms using social media http://budurl.com/udmc
Amy Gahran (@AGahran) emphasizes the importance of just "being there" when forming social media connections http://budurl.com/ejve
Summary from a panel looking at the potential use of social media platforms for grassroots efforts http://budurl.com/dc77
Great Social Media "To Do" list from @ChrisBrogan Chris list's 19 daily tasks for your system http://budurl.com/43xq
A look at Twitter's architecture as revealed by Evan Weaver, Lead Engineer in the Services Team at Twitter http://budurl.com/8s65
Twitter revelations that you need to know so that you can properly determine its impact on your traffic http://budurl.com/9zud
Sunday inserts and discount coupons are about to go mobile in a big way. Can you benefit? http://budurl.com/qr3p
Don't use a free Press Release service before you read @marcharty's "5 Ways Free Press Release Sites Can Cost You" http://budurl.com/kgec
Chris Crum (@ccrum237) provides some of the reasons that StumbleUpon is part of my "Economy of Action" process http://budurl.com/sbuw
Examples of why @mjasay believes businesses need to adapt to the power and potential of the Web now. http://budurl.com/dys5
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Study indicates young women between the ages of 12 and 24 favor the use of mobile devices and cells to PCs http://budurl.com/6jjy
Facebook now asks users if they want their comments open to the public. So far, few do—but... http://budurl.com/mls5
Evidence of Twitter as an effective tool for correcting billing errors. Excellent usage table at bottom of article http://budurl.com/skhr
Examples of restaurants using Twitter for inexpensive and effective marketing. It can work for many local businesses http://budurl.com/qp2w
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Scott Lundergan of @optimizevideos just let me know his great video leadins http://ping.fm/WXNCt are updated. That's a pro!
Scoopler is another entry into the realtime search marketplace. It is currently in beta and available for testing http://budurl.com/gl2u
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EST. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes subscribe http://budurl.com/avz4
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Pete Cashmore of @Mashable announces the debut of the "Twitter Guide Book" a Hub for Twitter Resources http://budurl.com/dc78
Collection of excellent presentations on social media & a plain English explanation of significance of Twitter search http://budurl.com/axt2
"How the 'Internet of Things' social networking & creative collaboration will shape future market structure" http://budurl.com/plbr Download
Chris Kuhn (@CKuhnTampaBay) ask Heather Andrews of Magnetic.com to give tips to women starting to use social media http://budurl.com/qsfy
8 OpenSocial applications that you can integrate into and across your social networks http://budurl.com/d9jz
Maxwell Finn (@maxwellfinn) has a useful post about using Ning to leverage social networks in niches http://budurl.com/6zfd
If you crave a rural lifestyle or live on rural acreage like I do, Agmates Social network is worth a click http://budurl.com/95kw
Fine Arts groups find social networks are helping to draw all kinds of new people into arts groups as never before http://budurl.com/fbqx
Friday, June 26, 2009
It takes a few months for your online Christmas strategy to work, this is a useful checklist so your are prepared http://budurl.com/2bft
"Correlation, Causation & SEO" @SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday video series features @RandFish & Ben Hendrickson http://budurl.com/2h6v See Others
Cone releases their Nonprofit Power Brand 100 report. Available for download by following link in article http://budurl.com/bjf7
Ryan Paul (@segphault) of Ars Technica discusses experiences with Google Voice as it prepares for broader launch http://budurl.com/ypet
Facebook confirms the click-fraud problem revealed by Michael Arrington and @TechCrunch Discover the how & why http://budurl.com/gg6c
Lee Bryant of Headshift on Transition Strategies for Enterprise 2.0 Adoption at Boston's Enterprise 2.0 Conference http://budurl.com/4hms
Social Marketing funnel components are listed by @GraemeIStuart Incorporate these with my economy of action plan http://budurl.com/jen8
Google Search beta "Deeper Web" http://ping.fm/shOfm @tinu looks at this deep tag-cloud search technique http://budurl.com/rbe4
As humans with the power to communicate and create lasting messages, like Michael Jackson our legacy will be there http://budurl.com/sakg
Thursday, June 25, 2009
IBM shakes up Web 2.0 developer's world by providing a free version of its EGL tool for creating Web 2.0 applications http://budurl.com/ukmk
K-State Web 2.0 Expert, Michael Wesch, Tells Hollywood Heavyweights How YouTube Is Changing Media Landscape http://budurl.com/6twa
A look at some the changes in rules and regulations for Squidoo users posted by @AndrewHansen1 http://budurl.com/j4j8
Be sure to download Josh Gordon's Whitepaper Survey: The Coming Change in Social Media Business Applications http://budurl.com/z3b7
Like Strunk & White or the Chicago Manual of Style, Twitter has its own style manual according to @SherryMain http://budurl.com/gjw4
Alex Mansfield looks at Stumbleupon's new SU.PR for twitter, Facebook and metrics http://budurl.com/b9ld
Michael Jackson singing "Ben" on the Sonny & Cher Show when he was 13. A love song about more than a rat http://budurl.com/m79m
Remember, social networking is a relationship business…not a collecting people business! @TimothyCarter http://budurl.com/nuj5
What a warped world we live in as the Associated Press attempts to stifle their employees freedom of speech http://budurl.com/v33m
ComScore Releases It's List of the Top 50 US Websites in May: Gifts, Photos & Coupons http://budurl.com/zvhf
Gord Hotchkiss (@outofmygord) shares thoughts on the implications of the shift from TV to computers an online video http://budurl.com/vecz
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Joshua Odmark (@JoshuaOdmark) provides some useful information about the benefits & weaknesses of #hashtags http://budurl.com/bbjh
How do you know if your SEO is working? Tips & tools for spot-checking your SEO efforts and fixing the weaknesses http://budurl.com/w4cj
Lee Odden (@leeodden) on a discussion he had with @copyblogger about social media's potential for direct marketing http://budurl.com/fl2p
Tweet success: It's easy to lose interest in Twitter, but here are 5 reasons why you should stick with it http://budurl.com/y7el
Ever wondered..."What is the NicheProf Writing in that Notebook of His?" http://ping.fm/sSLIA Notebook Secrets Exposed!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
A potentially important revelation about Twitter's incorporation of an ecommerce angle and shoppers tips http://budurl.com/j8k6
For all of our genetic diversity, it would appear that people remain fairly consistent at their genetic core http://budurl.com/9l3n
eMarketers reports on a new Mintel Study on word-of-mouth recommendations and U.S. Internet Users http://budurl.com/23n6
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dark clouds on horizon: could this be the beginning of the end of affiliate marketing? FTC crackdown @TonyBlakeLive http://budurl.com/e2kb
True social networking can be found in action when you visit "IdeaBlob: Where Great Ideas Grow" http://budurl.com/e7rs
Dramatic Poster Art from Iranian Protestors on Social Networking Sites shared by David Drissel http://budurl.com/vkwd
Just tested two new "Real Time" search engines and Collecta http://www.collecta.com out performed Crowdeye http://www.crowdeye.com Try them
Mashups are an increasingly important element of social media efforts and customizations. Examples http://budurl.com/walc
Brief overview of how web site design can impact your search engine opitimization search engine optimisation efforts http://budurl.com/3q56
A brief overview of how web site design can impact your search engine opitimization search engine optimisation efforts http://budurl.com/3q56
Thanks to the folks at Social Media Sydney for mentioning FeedMingle to merge RSS & Atom feeds into a new feed http://budurl.com/j9fb
A worthwhile Social Media Optimization (SMO) tip for getting productive traffic from YouTube Videos http://budurl.com/bgax
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show. We are live right now. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes http://budurl.com/avz4
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Don Reisinger (@DonReisinger) identifies 10 applications for your MySpace use http://budurl.com/e7ac
I was recently asked how to import blogs and feeds into Facebook. This shows you exactly how to do it with ease http://budurl.com/qb2y
I indicated earlier this week, MySpace is NOT dead! Many are overlooking its inherent base and this 10 point plan http://budurl.com/863g
Copywriter @MichelFortin expresses his view about the displeasure expressed by victims of Facebook cyber-squatting http://budurl.com/v9xs
Google, keywords, searches, data centers & different organic results. Oh my! Where search originates impacts results http://budurl.com/6dx5
A day of reckoning is at hand for all Twitetr users who have used artificial means and software to grow followers http://budurl.com/8u7c
An overview of some social network options for the sport's fan in your life or for a bit of non-Facebook time http://budurl.com/kgbp
Interesting food for thought on the relationship between social media and the country's Gross domestic product (GDP) http://budurl.com/7gmd
LA Times piece (http://bit.ly/JVRhR) about Hyperclocavore an online social community for gardeners and share-cropping http://budurl.com/ksg3
Thanks to @Tinu and the crew at Free Traffic Tips shared this great Firefox add-on to simplify your day http://budurl.com/nvlx
Friday, June 19, 2009
Microsoft has released a new white paper discussing how webmasters can optimize for the Bing Search Engine http://budurl.com/6rth
There are two types of keywords on Twitter. Actual keywords and hash tag versions such as #seo @JoshuaOdmark http://budurl.com/xl88
“4 Resources on How To Optimize Your Website’s SEO Using Social Media” shared by @jeffbullas http://budurl.com/sjm7
Bionima provides an interesting twist to using social media to create a legacy statement http://budurl.com/lshb
Further indication of Internet developers and social media responding to the wants of users http://budurl.com/v8x6
Annual Internet Survey by the Center for the Digital Future Finds Large Increases in Use of Online Newspapers http://budurl.com/4xwg
Thursday, June 18, 2009
New StrongMail Survey Shows Social Media is Emerging as a Direct Marketing Channel http://budurl.com/5xqv
At SES Toronto, the big buzz was generating buzz and gaining a social media presence http://budurl.com/wurh
According to @jowyang Contextual Ads Based Off Social Network Profile: Twitter and Facebook are being used by VW http://budurl.com/p85d
It's just like a gunfight in the streets of the old west as new versions of Tweetdeck and Seesmic square off http://budurl.com/kslv
Sam Diaz of ZDNet reports that Facebook is testing real-time search before Twitter becomes defacto source http://budurl.com/pt67
The release of the new iphone is certain to prompt countless posts today. Take a break and smile with @jperlow http://budurl.com/a3ce
Inquiring city officials want to know! Bozeman Montana requires social media details from all applicants http://budurl.com/mbv8 Can of Worms
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Nielsen Online reports that video viewership jumped almost 50% May, 2009 vs 2008. Download pdf http://budurl.com/e2n7
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thanks to @anneholmes for posting a reference to Jenny Hamby's "Are Prospects Missing the Value of Your Seminar?" http://budurl.com/v9he
BusinessWeek columnist Steve McKee: "Why Social Media Is Worth Small Business Owners' Time" Worth reposting http://budurl.com/kjx2
Email is not dead so it is important that you consider how you communicate with people in your welcoming email http://budurl.com/95wp
Jason Clark states his reasons why, he believes, Twitter will soon become obsolete. What do you think? http://budurl.com/jljz
Evan Gerber shares his advice for how to succeed across the social media spectrum http://budurl.com/9efa
Monday, June 15, 2009
A "must have" Greasemonkey Script from Mark Carey (@mthacks) Adds Google Real-Time Twitter Search to results http://budurl.com/2bd4
**DON'T MISS** Learn How to Leverage Social Media for Your Business with this FREE Social Media Marketing Kit http://budurl.com/7drl PLS RT
Data from Experian Simmons, reported by Univision, shows Hispanic Consumers More Positive, Receptive to Marketing http://budurl.com/8rwf
Follow the tweeter to more robust business
Businesses using social networks to cut marketing costs by @BridgetCarey http://budurl.com/9g6p
Businesses using social networks to cut marketing costs by @BridgetCarey http://budurl.com/9g6p
Steve Glauberman (@sglauberman) shows you how to market your social media presence. Listen up http://budurl.com/fsh5
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show. We are live right now. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes http://budurl.com/avz4
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes http://budurl.com/avz4
A Cheat Sheet for Twitter tools from @andyjenkins & StomperNet with a shoutout to my friend @ShermanHu He rocks! http://budurl.com/97eh
Video from @Yukai_Chou, a Social Entrepreneur and founder of Viralogy, discussing the true ROI of Social Media http://budurl.com/k5sz
A Basic Guide to Social Media Tools Geared Toward Small Business selected by Linda Daichendt @StrategicGrowth http://budurl.com/g3le
A worthwhile observation from @OliverMarks on the role of trust and its importance in the social media world http://budurl.com/2rqw
Historically during times of political upheval, the press was the first to be closed...now it is social media access http://budurl.com/laah
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Judit Nagy of MySpace & Tom H. C. Anderson Discuss Social Media & Market Research in this brief interview http://budurl.com/vq4w
Feedback to an ongoing debate: The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed: How to Be a Social Media Guru Part I http://budurl.com/ndk8
This is a site worth investigating and testing if you are interested in PR, social media or link building http://budurl.com/zrp6
Just because a site calls itself a social bookmarking community it doesn't mean that it's worth a bookmark or revisit http://budurl.com/uwgk
Friday, June 12, 2009
My friend @shelhorowitz shares what David Garfinkel & Denny Hatch see as Warren Buffett's Five Secrets of Success http://budurl.com/p2lz
It is important that you learn how to write your copy and messages to the reading level of your reader http://budurl.com/3m3m
Whatever you may call him, @BenMack, Benjamin Garth Siddhartha Mack or ____ he has provocative insights! http://budurl.com/qttj
Download Borrell Assoc Economics of Search Marketing: Addressing The Challenges Of A Scalable Local Advertising Model http://budurl.com/evdj
A resource for all homeschoolers or those considering homeschooling. Guilt-Free Homeschooling http://budurl.com/885t
New Forbes Study says search is still the first focus for online marketing and sales conversions http://budurl.com/hxtj
New Facebook App Lets You Track Your Representatives' Cash Contributors and you can follow on Twitter @opensecretsdc http://budurl.com/rfkz
New study by the Association of National Advertisers reports Consumer Marketers Shifting Media to Online and WOM/Buzz http://budurl.com/qedr
Jack Loechner reports that there is a growth in "long term video" viewership by the 35+ age group http://budurl.com/9wds
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Details on a Free Mobile App for Marketing, PR & Social Media News shared by @AndyBeal of Marketing Pilgrim http://budurl.com/swxc
PAULINE W. CHEN, M.D. writes about how social media has been an enormously useful tool in her work http://budurl.com/u3wv
The military makes a move to get social. Army Orders Bases to Stop Blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr per @dangerroom http://budurl.com/866y
Stake claim to your name or brand on Facebook Friday night when they provide an option to do just that http://ping.fm/DWWtG
Mike McDonald and others at SMX Advanced wonder if there are Google Changes to No-Follow on the Horizon? Implications http://budurl.com/znht
8 Tips to Get Domain Diversity (with the anchor text you want) from @RobOusbey of @SEOmoz http://budurl.com/qld7
If you market to businesses or individuals it's time Get It Or Die: Online Is Your Core Business (@outofmygord) http://budurl.com/3eff
The number of consumers who seek local information on a mobile device grew 51% from March 2008 to March 2009 http://budurl.com/ye74
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
20 tips for mobile advocacy - Mobile social marketing works in increasing awareness and moving people to actions http://budurl.com/9wty
Day 1: Social Media & Search Marketing: Not the Same Old Stuff from SMX Advance Conference http://budurl.com/sfgc
Social Media to Increase the Importance of Inbound Marketing Follow @HubSpot for more info http://budurl.com/vt2l
A resource to help you better understand the emerging world of virtual conferencing as an adjunct to physical events http://budurl.com/xgfy
Download Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2008-2013 It predicts explosive growth of video http://budurl.com/q7ne
Good news for my wife following eye surgery. Now back at it. Collaborative tool for sharing documents and comments http://budurl.com/9h84
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
An interesting collection of social networking communities assembled by CIO that lists a variety of sites from A to Z http://budurl.com/vzz8
Time Saving Social Networking Strategy shared bhy @JenniferBourn A nice alternative to my Economy of Action Guide http://budurl.com/77zb
Microsoft is providing a free beta version of a SEO Toolkit that you can download and use to analyze your site http://budurl.com/bvzc
Sally Church (@MaverickNY) shares some interesting insights for the Social Pharmer - in a brave new digital world http://budurl.com/vdaz
Music fan or professional? Check out Songkick's New Social Gig Database, With A Million Listings http://budurl.com/fk2w
Download a copy of a new 14 page report from the Pew Internet Project looking at Online Classifieds growth since 2005 http://budurl.com/h2h6
Local mobile ad revenue is expected to reach more than $3.1 billion by 2013, up from $160 million in 2008 http://budurl.com/kukq
Monday, June 8, 2009
If you use Facebook for marketing you need to know these 4 Reasons to Choose Facebook Pages Over Facebook Groups http://budurl.com/ersw
Resource to bookmark and save showing over 30 Web 2.0 RSS applications and sites that you should be aware of today http://budurl.com/setx
Larry Chase provides 9 Short Reviews of Internet Marketing Calculators that he sees as mission-critical to your IM http://budurl.com/76gw
Tweeting the Masses: Social Networking Sites for Law Enforcement from Michelle Perin http://budurl.com/vzmh
A brief overview of how social media can help your business. Particularly, small businesses http://budurl.com/nrlz
Given the popularity of social media and social networking, we shouldn't be surprised at how NASCAR has taken to it http://budurl.com/uu7s
Google launches Local Business Center Dashboard. Video explains how to use system. Absolute must know info! http://budurl.com/xqcf
Interesting breakdown of Twitter activity and follower/following data from Erick Schonfeld and @TechCrunch http://budurl.com/hdtm
Trevor Hunnicutt reports on how nonprofits & philanthropics use online social media to raise cash, sell themselves http://budurl.com/pjfw
If you are a baseball fan, you may want to bookmark this site to follow the draft on Twitter and get updates http://budurl.com/g5hr
Live updates from Apple WWDC 2009 on Twitter We'll be Twittering the event, which you can follow at @LATimestech http://budurl.com/526z
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I think that this is the antithesis of social media and an example of something to be avoided. What do you think? http://budurl.com/k465
Excellent overview of popular of social networks in different global regions. Interactive map & country specific info http://budurl.com/9nkb
Susan Harrow (@soundbitesiren) shares some valuable suggestions for ways to use LinkedIn from expert Chris Muccio http://budurl.com/vddd
Ecademy coming under increased scrutiny and having their management team questioned by social media observers http://budurl.com/guke
I was chatting with someone about using editorial calendars to match your articles & PR efforts Download Resource PDF http://budurl.com/szjz
Join us on the School of Social Marketing's BlogTalkRadio show at 12:30 EDT Sundays. Call (718) 766-4782 & itunes http://budurl.com/avz4
Saturday, June 6, 2009
BYU ban on YouTube reminds me of conservative rhetorical theorist Richard Weaver's observed "Ideas Have Consequences" http://budurl.com/c5az
Ross Johnson identifies 5 parts of a website that are frequently neglected and deserve greater attention and detail http://budurl.com/5des
Beaucoup! Site provides a collection of over 2000 search engines and directories that are categorized for ease of use http://budurl.com/qgwb
Proof there are search options beyond Google. List of topical and vertical search engines to consider for best fit http://budurl.com/uu6r
Jeremy Muncy (@jmuncy) identifies & discusses 5 tools to manage your Twitter unfollowers http://budurl.com/u7g9
Tweetpr considers these to be the top 5 reasons online community building trumps old-skool-marketing http://budurl.com/hcf4
Nice thumbnail analysis of women who blog and their use of social media and general media from eMarketer http://budurl.com/8nzm
Donna Wilkins, president of Charity Dynamics, provides solid suggestions for boosting your events with social media http://budurl.com/sm6q
Take a peek inside Marta Strickland's (@geekygrrl) social media toolbox for some tools & tips you may have missed http://budurl.com/65rb
An insightful resource to bookmark if you are a small business or if you consult with small businesses http://budurl.com/agrn
Case Study showing how Lockheed Martin Corp. is using social networking tools to fuel opportunities & interactions http://budurl.com/htvf
Friday, June 5, 2009
3 things that @Stephen_Pierce believes that everyone needs to know about successful Internet marketing & promotion http://budurl.com/scab
Priceless series of "CMO 2.0 Conversations" with CMOs. Play online or download for future listening. Don't miss these http://budurl.com/xg7z
Just had an unexpected gift...a call from my friend Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passionate Executive) be blessed http://ping.fm/W1rlT
Chris Copeland, CEO of GroupM Search, explores what he sees as the dawn of "Why" marketing online http://budurl.com/89gw
Study shows Real-Life WOM Beats Online by Wide Margin. Report misses key link of seeing online commenting offline WOM http://budurl.com/u5vr
Research by Karen Pine, author of Sheconomics, confirms emotional extremes stimulate spending by women http://budurl.com/7zly
Using Twitter to Communicate with Community Groups & other practical applications from Rick Broida (@cheapsketblog) http://budurl.com/h9qy
Adam Ostrow (@adamostrow) and Time Magazine share their perspective on what Twitter is and its use on @Mashable http://budurl.com/n4wp
More from the Harvard Business for Managers: New Twitter Research: Men Follow Men and Nobody Tweets http://budurl.com/6rsc
New Harvard Business data indicates that Twitter is a broadcast medium. I think they miss the point of potentiality http://budurl.com/aax2
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Locally Focused Social Network and Online Community. Links To Other Social Networks Like Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter http://budurl.com/emmy
Dave Morgan (@davemorgannyc) poses an interesting question: "Could Twitter Replace Nielsen?" http://budurl.com/ysa8
Glenn Letham show you how to use Twitter as a private office collaboration tool http://budurl.com/484p
Rebecca Appleton lists 7 tips for successful video optimization (video optimisation) http://budurl.com/zrjr
Local businesses or people working with local businesses and local search should download these 5 free resources now! http://budurl.com/88vb
On the subject of mobile marketing Jose Villa (@jrvilla) offers valuable insights into untapped Hispanic mobile users http://budurl.com/zhgy
Mobile marketers need to open their eyes to the market that is already there. Don't be distracted by bells & whistles http://budurl.com/ql7u
TabTab is a new toolbar to organize, manage, and easy access to information important to everyday internet users http://budurl.com/e95r
New Sage-sponsored Study Indicates Small Businesses Use Social Networking to Better Serve Customers & Connect Peers http://budurl.com/cv2l
As a professional blogger, @DavidRisley, has discovered the importance of writing for people not search engines http://budurl.com/arrs
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Seth Godin wants to introduce you to the next Google. Hint: It's certainly not BING from MSN http://budurl.com/p9wa
Chad White (@RetailEmailBlog) examines the lessons that social media can learn from email and email from social media http://budurl.com/f396
Elie Ashery comments on the increasing effort to incorporate video into email delivery systems http://budurl.com/n8cm
Rafe Needleman (@Rafe) discusses shifts being made by @JasonCalacanis to his Mahalo social media platform http://budurl.com/dthf
A helpful post and question from @LeeOdden Is Your Web Site SEO and Social Media Friendly? http://budurl.com/ww26
The death notice for MySpace is premature. Tameka Kee (@GeekyChic) shows MySpace Video engagement trumps Facebook http://budurl.com/fjfv
Ben Parr (@benparr) takes a look at the recent changes at Mahalo tapping into Flickr, YouTube & Twitter http://budurl.com/d8gt
Chelsi Nakano reports on John Stone's workshop on the bare bones of web 2.0 and social media http://budurl.com/jrk3
Master Class Podcast from the Agency Summit discussing the state of online video - Download & RSS available http://budurl.com/zkml
5 major hurdles for email marketing and the impact of social media on email marketing according to @susankuchinskas http://budurl.com/efrk
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
David Berkowitz (@DBerkowitz) is convinced that Google Wave, will make nearly everyone a social media creator. http://budurl.com/xcqx
Kaila Colbin (@KColbin) understands that Social Media Doesn't Fail, But COncludes that Search Is A+ (SEO) http://budurl.com/kubp
Mark Memmott (@MarkMemmottNPR) reveals that U.S. Military In Afghanistan is Using Twitter, Facebook & YouTube http://budurl.com/kn3s
Fredric Paul (@TheFreditor) discusses Twitter's Business Uses and Challenges - Plus 5 Twitter Tips From TWTRCON http://budurl.com/7x7x
"What is the Future of Twitter? Only You Know" and @SteveRubel has a mind map that provides some clues http://budurl.com/7gxy
Monday, June 1, 2009
CBS News announces that they will begin streaming their news programming live online through ustream http://budurl.com/8j8g
MSN's new search engine BING may be dead on arrival (DOA) accordig to Henry Blodget (@hblodget) http://budurl.com/rzrl
The new gold rush is in the data streams of the Internet instead of the foothill streams of California http://budurl.com/4l46
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