Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Les Brown on the Importance of Vision and Courage

It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of experience. Someone with the courage to live his dreams. ~ Les Brown

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-30-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-30-2012. Daily Dividend 1.67

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-30-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Les Brown on stretching your comfort zone to expand your consciousness http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote006c
Tony Robbins explains the importance of frustration and failure in his personal life http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote002c
Les Brown On the Need to Make a Commitment to a Dream http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote005c
Zig Ziglar's wisdom on the relationship between money and happiness http://lenq.me/zigziglarquote002c
Jeff Molander Shows Us How to Convert LinkedIn Contacts into Qualified Leads http://lenq.me/linkedinconv
A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided ~ Tony Robbins
Video Marketing Trends in 2012 http://lenq.me/videomkt from Greg Jarboe
A 41-inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee - a lot more ~
Jayne Mansfield

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tony Robins shares his definition of success http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote005c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/TajPSsmxW8M

Tony Robbins' Definition of Success

My definition of success is to live your life in a way that causes you to feel a ton of pleasure and very little pain - and because of your lifestyle, have the people around you feel a lot more pleasure than they do pain. ~ Tony Robbins

Tony Robins shares his definition of success http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote005c

Les Brown describes the benefits you can gain by setting goals and pursuing them with determination http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote007c

Les Brown describes the benefits you can gain by setting goals and pursuing them with determination http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote007c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/TW5sxfpxVtU

Les Brown on the Benefits of Setting Goals

If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. ~ Les Brown

If what you're working for really matters, you'll give it all you've got ~ Nido Qubein
A great resource for Public Domain Photos for Possible Commercial or Personal Use http://lenq.me/pubdomphotos

How I use Empire Avenue "Missions." Discover the process of creating a mission; interacting with participants http://lenq.me/eavemissions

How I use Empire Avenue "Missions." Discover the process of creating a mission & interacting with participants http://lenq.me/eavemissions https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/Db5m5JrGDye
U.S. Government Photos and Images. Find photos and images by topic http://lenq.me/usgovimages

A great video tool for providing customer service, troubleshooting or sharing of information http://lenq.me/quickscreenshare

A great video tool for providing customer service, troubleshooting or sharing of information http://lenq.me/quickscreenshare https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/UvXdyFZptg8

Zig Ziglar believes "True" success needs to be across a person's life and not just a single area http://lenq.me/zigziglarquote003c

Zig Ziglar believes "True" success needs to be across a person's life and not just a single area http://lenq.me/zigziglarquote003c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/5U5axttqbXi

Zig Ziglar on the Importance of Achieving a Balance of Success

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles. ~ Zig Ziglar

Slideshare Presentation of HubSpot's Mastering Mobile Marketing in 2012 Workshop http://lenq.me/momrkworkshop
A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do better ~ Jim Rohn

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-29-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-29-2012. Daily Dividend 1.44

A goal properly set is halfway reached ~ Zig Ziglar

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-29-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forrester analyst Tracy Stokes forecasts Digital Video Ads To Hit $5B By 2016 http://lenq.me/vidads reported by Gavin O'Malley

Tony Robbins stresses the capacity of the individual to master an area of their lives http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote004c

Tony Robbins stresses the capacity of the individual to master an area of their lives http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote004c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/gYqSxUvwDQX

Tony Robbins on an Individual's Capacity

Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. ~ Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins shares one simple formula for success http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote003c

Tony Robbins shares one simple formula for success http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote003c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/P7aptQBzsHc

Tony Robbins' Simple Formula for Success

If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results. ~ Tony Robbins

Suit the action to the word, the word to the action ~ William Shakespeare
A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their dreams because they are afraid to die.
Les Brown

Les Brown on Expanding Your Comfort Zone

If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness. ~ Les Brown

Les Brown on stretching your comfort zone to expand your consciousness http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote006c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/AQF15ghaQbu

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-28-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-28-2012. Daily Dividend 1.39

Start 2012 with the MediaMojoGuy & the Nicheprof on BTR join us @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio to listen or call 718-766-4782
How Online Video Drives Engagements: Ads, Programming and Promotion
http://lenq.me/videngage by Daisy Whitney

Talking social media & Internet tools with the Nicheprof & Ken live @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio Listen or call 718-766-4782

Talking social media & Internet tools with the Nicheprof & Ken live @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio Listen or call 718-766-4782 https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/MHKQRdqv5ho
Les Brown on the need to escape the shackles of you past to truly live in the present http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote003c

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-28-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Les Brown explains what he sees as the purpose for television's existence. http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote0004c

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tony Robbins explains the importance of frustration and failure in his personal life http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote002c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/hjzESzc5H9p

Tony Robbins on the Importance of Frustration and Failure

I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy. ~ Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins explains the importance of frustration and failure in his personal life http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote002c

Les Brown quotation about courage, dreams and fear of death: http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote001c

Zig Ziglar's wisdom on the relationship between money and happiness http://lenq.me/zigziglarquote002c

Zig Ziglar's wisdom on the relationship between money and happiness http://lenq.me/zigziglarquote002c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/BoBXYtkYms1

Zig Ziglar on Money and Happiness

Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves.~ Zig Ziglar

Les Brown On the Need to Make a Commitment to a Dream http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote005c

Les Brown On the Need to Make a Commitment to a Dream http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote005c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/QM8vG28kFP4

Les Brown on Commitment to a Dream

I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames. ~ Les Brown

Has the social speed of real time diminished the importance of traditional demographics and elevated the flock? http://lenq.me/flock

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-27-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-27-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-27-2012. Daily Dividend 1.38

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bluestacks App Player will allow you to run Android Applications on your PC http://lenq.me/androidpc

Les Brown explains what he sees as the purpose for television's existence. http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote0004c

Les Brown explains what he sees as the purpose for television's existence. http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote0004c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/UnTTeYmmizW

Les Brown on Why Television Exists

In day-to-day commerce, television is not so much interested in the business of communications as in the business of delivering audiences to advertisers. People are the merchandise, not the shows. The shows are merely the bait. ~ Les Brown

The only failure is not to try ~ George Clooney

Tony Robbins on the Importance of Consistent Actions http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote0001c

Tony Robbins on the Importance of Consistent Actions http://lenq.me/tonyrobbinsquote0001c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/Zs5oq6FLQAf

Tony Robbins on the Importance of Consistent Actions

In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. ~ Tony Robbins

Les Brown on the need to escape the shackles of you past to truly live in the present http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote003c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/Ns4jgux7GbV

Les Brown on the Past

If you are carrying strong feelings about something that happened in your past, they may hinder your ability to live in the present. ~ Les Brown

Les Brown on the need to escape the shackles of you past to truly live in the present http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote003c

A dead end can never be a one way street; you can always turn around and take another road ~ Bo Bennett

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-26-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-26-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-26-2012. Daily Dividend 1.45

Zig Ziglar's Recipe for Success

It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.~ Zig Ziglar

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Zig Ziglar on Winning!

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win ~ Zig Ziglar

Les Brown on Accepting Responsibility

Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. ~ Les Brown

Les Brown quotation about courage, dreams and fear of death: http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote001c

Les Brown quotation about courage, dreams and fear of death: http://lenq.me/lesbrownquote001c https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/Eh5AUSF5P97

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-25-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Heather Fletcher's "7 Rules of Engagement in New B-to-B Relationships" http://lenq.me/7rules

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-25-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-25-2012. Daily Dividend 1.52

Les Brown on a Lack of Courage

A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their dreams because they are afraid to die ~ Les Brown

This quote is courtesy of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof of http://nicheprof.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-24-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-24-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-24-2012. Daily Dividend 1.60

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-23-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-23-2012. Daily Dividend 1.69

How Online Video Drives Engagements: Ads, Programming and Promotion
http://lenq.me/videngage by Daisy Whitney

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-23-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Forrester analyst Tracy Stokes forecasts Digital Video Ads To Hit $5B By 2016 http://lenq.me/vidads reported by Gavin O'Malley

Monday, January 23, 2012

Carece Slaughter Endorses Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof

"Ron has a vast knowledge of marketing and social media. He is eager to share and help other(s) reach their goals while creating mutual success."

- Carece Slaughter - Wealth Coach and Strategic Planner - January 14, 2012

Candace Mountains Endorses Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof

"Ron Capps is a presence on the social media front and has demonstrated that he is not only a team player, but also a respectable leader."

- Candace Mountain - Author - January 14, 2012

Click here http://lenq.me/smpoppromo to discover how you can put some "POP" into your Social Media Marketing in 2012
Slideshare Presentation of HubSpot's Mastering Mobile Marketing in 2012 Workshop http://lenq.me/momrkworkshop
A 41-inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee - a lot more ~
Jayne Mansfield
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action ~ William Shakespeare

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-22-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided ~ Tony Robbins
Video Marketing Trends in 2012 http://lenq.me/videomkt from Greg Jarboe
A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their dreams because they are afraid to die.
Les Brown

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-22-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-22-2012. Daily Dividend 1.78

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bronwyn West Endorses Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof

"Ron is a hard worker, trusted, respected and well liked by everybody, and would be an asset to anyone who hired him>"

- Bronwyn West - July 6, 2011

Baz Freestone Endorses Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof

"Ron is a marketing guru with visionary ideas and ability to articulate complicated ideas clearly and elegantly'"

- Baz Freestone - January 15, 2012

A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do better ~ Jim Rohn

Andrea L. Ames Endorses Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof

"Dr. Ron Capps is an amazing networker and mentor in the social media realm. He has provided me with invaluable advice, [especially] on Empire Ave."

- Andrea L. Ames, Fellow at Society for Technical Communication (STC) - January 15, 2012

The only failure is not to try ~ George Clooney
If what you're working for really matters, you'll give it all you've got ~ Nido Qubein
Start 2012 with the MediaMojoGuy & the Nicheprof on BTR join us @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio to listen or call 718-766-4782
U.S. Government Photos and Images. Find photos and images by topic http://lenq.me/usgovimages

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-21-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


Put some "POP" into your marketing in 2012. Join Ken & Nicheprof live @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio Listen or call 718-766-4782

Put some "POP" into your marketing in 2012. Join Ken & Nicheprof live @ 12:30 EST http://lenq.me/nicheprofradio Listen or call 718-766-4782 https://plus.google.com/110443455847731770840/posts/MLwwY1Q9Kmp

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-21-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-21-2012. Daily Dividend 1.87

A great resource for Public Domain Photos for Possible Commercial or Personal Use http://lenq.me/pubdomphotos
Jeff Molander Shows Us How to Convert LinkedIn Contacts into Qualified Leads http://lenq.me/linkedinconv

2012 Presidential Candidates Positions on Major Issues

Infograph from LatexMatress.org stating the positions of the four major Republican candidates and President Obama on the issues of: Immigration, Gay Marriage, Energy, Taxes and Afghanistan

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where Home Business Go for Startup Funds

Infograph from CreditDonkey displays potential finance options for new home-based businesses.

History of the Small Business Administration (SBA)

Infograph from Lendio shows the history and evolution of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) since its formation in 1953

Nicheprof’s Earnings – Past 7 Days on Empire Avenue 1-20-2012

The above chart shows the Daily Earnings of Dr. Ron Capps the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue for the past 7 Days. Earnings are important to potential investors, because, they translate into the daily dividend and yield or ROI for the investors holding shares in the Nicheprof on Empire Avenue.

Join me on Empire Avenue here:


Be sure to Bookmark Empire Avenue Tips, Touts & Tutorials here:


A dead end can never be a one way street; you can always turn around and take another road ~ Bo Bennett

Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-20-2012

Chart showing the (e)Nicheprof's Daily Activity on Empire Avenue for 1-20-2012. Daily Dividend 1.62

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Four Faces of Link Building

Infograph from Shellshockuk.com to show you the four faces or styles of link building: The Geek, The Creative, The Hustler and The Social! I'm probably more of a socially creative hustler. LOL

Celebrity Pallbearers - Curious Escapism!

Infograph from MySendOff.com provides a great illustration to feed our need for escapism and interesting facts for trivia

The 50 Richest People On Earth

Infograph from CreditLoan showing the 50 richest people on Earth. In addition, it reveals their approximate wealth and source of revenue.