Friday, May 30, 2008 as a Possible Social Media Platform

I'm testing the social indexability of social media platform for asking questions of celebrities, entertainers, politicians, and other notable figures.

The platform allows for an extensive and customizable greeting header on your personal page and I want to determine its potential use as a traffic pointer.

It's really not just an effort at shameless self-promotion.

This is the greeting page for Dr. Ron Capps on

Link Campaign Strategies for Approaching Power Sites

Melanie Nathan shares suggested link campaign strategies for approaching blogs, .edu and .gov sites to gain their link juice for your sites.

When it comes to gaining PR and perceived authority for your own sites and blogs, sites with ties to educational institutions, government sites and agencies, take on a special potency.

Comedy Central Goes Back On Its Word!

Cable Operators Angered over loss of exclusive programming like "The Daily Show", "The Colbert Report" and "South Park". This is a major reversal on the part of the Comedy Central's promise that they would never make full episodes of their programming available online.

Social Media: It's all about the visitor stupid!

Dave Morgan builds his argument for the needed shift in branding and customer conversation awareness. Social Media changes things. It makes it more critical than ever that you engage the customer in an authentic conversation that mirrors back your understanding of their communication and wants.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Choice. Please Choose to View This Presentation

It is our ability to choose that separates us from other creatures. Please choose to view this 4 min video (ignore sponsor)

Powerful and Practical Social Media Application for those interested in Real Estate

Trulia has unveiled a Powerful Web 2.0 App for anyone involved in real estate industry or investment! Type in your city. I dare you!

All of the details that you might want when starting to look for a home or to determine the potential value of your home or a given neighborhood.

You can sort by least expensive to the most expensive or from oldest to newest.

Google CEO Interviewed by German Press

German interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the revenue potential of web 2.0 and mobile.

Schmidt appears to believe that the evolving technologies will present challenges when it comes to creating revenue streams

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Media Releases Offer Tremendous Potential

With the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, Press Releases have evolved into Media Releases.

Media releases allow for the introduction of multimedia and interactivity not previously possible with standard press releases.

This article presents several fine points to consider.

One Man's Discovery of Freedom Online

Former Newspaper Editor and Photo Journalist, David Perdew, discusses the freedom that he has found working online.

David has been a friend of mine for years.

David is an accomplished journalist, editor, photographer, consultant and, now, web developer and entrepreneur.

I encourage you to join both of us and the others mentioned in David's post when we share information that can empower you and your online dreams.

Join with us in Baltimore this coming June 14th & 15th. Event details are here.

Totspot is New Social Site Dedicated to Children

Totspot is a new social media aite for parents and their children. It looks like it might be for the Safeguard Children Organization.

Remember to ask for "A Parent's Guide to Locating Responsible Child Care" at your local bookstore or you can order it online from

I happen to be very close friends with the author. Wink...Wink
Looking for two comp tickets/passes available for @ElsomEldridge and I to attend O'Reilly Social Graphing Conference?

Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action by Ruth Reynard

New Social Networking use amongst the youth and implications from Campus Technology.

The National School Boards Association (USA), in partnership with research firm Grunwald Associates and with the support of Microsoft, Newscorp, and Verizon, published a 2007 data-rich survey dissecting social and education related activity patterns by American students. The focus of the study was K-12 instruction; however, much can be learned from the results of this study that apply to the uses of social networking technology in general.

Ruth Reynard, "Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action," Campus Technology, 5/28/2008.

Thanks to Chuck Ferguson for mentioning this article.

25 Free Teleseminar Interviews from System 2008

Series of 25 interviews in advance of the 2008 System Seminar are available online from Ken McCarthy. Free Teleseminars:

Nancy Andrews - SEO for online stores
Colin Arthur - Web design and search
Martin Atkins - Lesson from rock and roll
Ann Convery - Finding your hook
Gauher Chaudhry - The art of lead generation
Darrell Crow - Beginners track
Chris Daigle - The Internet and real estate
Dave Dee - Advanced info marketing
Sean D'Souza - Advanced info marketing
Kim Dushinski - Marketing on cell phone
Ross Goldberg - Social Marketing
Tim Gorman - Advanced Article Marketing Strategies
Christina Hills - Email Marketing
Lloyd Irvin - Advanced Info Marketing
Howie Jacobson - Google AdWords
Cindy Kappler - Beginners track
Tom Leung - Google executive
Glenn Livingston - Finding the perfect niche
James Martell - Affiliate marketing mastery
Colin McDougall - Expert 'Social Marketing'
Robert Middleton - How to sell consulting
Christian Mickelsen - Create a lucrative coaching program
Richard Mouser - Tracking & testing
Lon Naylor - Internet Video
Sharon Odom - The business of lead generation
Ed O'Keefe - How to sell services
Timothy Seward - Google analytics

Listen while they are available for free here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pre-Roll Video: A How-To Guide

Eric Franchi has posted a new blog entry on Video Insider. It is a basic "How-To Guide" for online video ads.

For creative, the best online video campaigns use original, Web-only ads that are designed to elicit response. Repurposed or edited :30s from television were a good starting point a couple of years ago, but there's no excuse for not developing online-only spots today. Secure online talent rights and shoot specific spots with calls to action based on the campaign initiative. If that is impossible, take advantage of the myriad of lower-cost production vehicles out there that can create ready-for-online ads quickly using video technology. The lean-forward environment of online video requires smart spots that stand out.

1 Billion Online Video Users in 2013

Nicole Fabris or API Research reports that they project 1 Billion online video viewers by 2013.

With the increased availability and broadband access, it is easy to understand the rapid explosion of video sharing sites online.

Far beyond the usual suspects of YouTube, Google Video, and other standards. There are now over 600 video sharing sites available online. These range from the narrowest niches to the broadest range of "adult" social video sites. One can only imagine where Hugh Hefner would be if these social media platforms had been available when he struggled to launch his "Playboy" empire in the early 1950's!

Twiturly Real-Time Tracking of Twitter Conversations

Twiturly is an online location that provides real-time tracking of most popular conversations on Twitter. One way to see what you may have missed with Twitter glitches.

Microsoft To Launch Social Bookmarking Platform

Adam Ostrow of Mashable announces that Microsoft is launching their own Social Bookmarking Site later this week.

There doesn't appear to be anything revolutionary about the proposed social bookmarking technology that they will be using, however, Microsoft's size alone makes this effort one to monitor closely

Friday, May 23, 2008

Heard Ray Edwards,Sean Roach & now Chris Guerriero at WIS. Talk about contradictions! The ether is grand

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Discover how you can make powerful use of Facebook. Lists apps to optimize your social media arsenal.

Social Networks are Dominating Cell Phone Usage

New data indicates that 63% of the cell phone usage in the U.S. today utilizes social network platforms and micro-blogging. Scan the lists of social networks provided to determine which networks have the greatest penetration and that are dominating cell phone usage in the US and globally

Lycos Creates Webon as a New Free Internet Home for You

Lycos has released a new platform to build a site or blog on without registration. This new site provides you an established PR7 ranked site as your home host. Flexible and easy. Webon from Lycos

Monday, May 19, 2008

This is a recent definitive lis of the top Twitter Clients from ReadWriteWeb

A Classic Example of Using Social Media for Political Change

In my upcoming book, I'll be writing about the way that we are coming to use different social media platforms to engage in conversations and interactions that leverage social political and, potentially, economic change. Feel the power of Social Media to bring about political change by viewing the "real" Republican candidate be revealed through his own words and actions here or view below:

Beta Codes for New Blog Search Engine

I've got beta invite does for the new blog search engine Twingly by signing up here and entering your information and one of the following two invitation codes:

Code1: fajobufas

Code2 juuhinin

Thingly Is a New Blog Search Alternatives

Exploring the new beta blog search engine Twingly. It promises to be almost spam free. Clean and responsive! I'll be posting the beta invitation codes in an upcoming post

Testing New Social Bookmark Site

I'd like your help testing the potential of a South African Social Bookmark site, Muti. Please tag my post on Plurk & mark Follow-Me on this site. I want to determine if it has value as a potential social bookmarking site for organic search and capturing attention of readers.

Plurk is a Micro-blogging Alternative To Consider

Plurk is a micro-blog with elements of FriendFeed and a public of private option. Videos and more. Nice interface that appears more user-friendly than that of Twitter. Worth a look

Power Potential of Social Media vs Search

An important case study showing power of Social Media vs Organic Search. Not to be ignored.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friend Connect Preview Video

The Google Developers have uploaded a video that shows you the basics of incorporating Google's new Friend Connect platform into your web site.

Let me know what you think?

Special Message to Aspiring Internet Marketers

A special message to aspiring Internet Marketers that Mark Hendricks asked me to share with you. You can see Mark and listen to his message here now.

Friday, May 16, 2008

NicheProf's Starter List of Social Aggregator Sites

I just posted a starter list of social aggregator sites to my public Google Docs. Contact me to collaborate and expand the list.

You can get a better understanding of the importance of Social Aggregators like these by listening to the interview that Elsom Eldridge, Jr. recently conducted with me. The replay is available by clicking here. It is also available a downloadable MP3 file.

I Like Sharing Videos List

Comprehensive list of over 500 video sharing sites to find those special niche videos.

You'll find almost 600 video sharing and hosting sites in the current list. There are video sharing sites listed from throughout the globe.

Please be aware that several of the sites contained on this list are "adult" in nature and may not be appropriate for everyone.

If you are looking for a valuable social media resource, you should take a close look at the "Web 2.0 Resource Bible."

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Social-Media call with NicheProf replay available here.

Bonuses Available here.

An added bonus is available for those providing feedback on the call.

I Know Ken McArthur and I'm No Ken McArthur but...

together we'll show you how to...give your life and marketing IMPACT Today!

I've been blessed to know Ken McArthur for a few years now. I've attended numerous events with Ken; been on a IM Cruise with Ken; broke bread with Ken; learned from Ken; shared with Ken and will be seeing him in Philadelphia for the third year in a row in a couple of weeks.

When he and I were last together in Orlando this past February, he showed several of us the new book that he had been creating and I could tell that his enthusiasm was as genuine as the man himself.

That book and project is just now being shared with the rest of the world and I want you to be part of this eye opening and inspirational new book from my friend Ken McArthur.

Discover how to give your life and marketing IMPACT now!

Do you really want to get noticed and to make a difference in this world?

If so, this is the first step to take!

To encourage you to take it now, I will consult with you by telephone or in person at any of my upcoming conferences in Dallas, Philadelphia or Baltimore.

To qualify for a personal one-on-one chat with me for 15 minutes by phone or whatever in person, just take that step in the next 48 hours through by JV Support Link below and let me know so that we can schedule the call.

JV Support Link

Any of you who have ever chatted with me by phone, know that I don't know when to stop talking. ;-)

In the meantime, why not start following me and befriend me on some of my social contact pages? As W. Clement Stone would have commanded..."Do it now!" - Primary site about to get a facelift!
Follow me on Twitter here
See who and what I'm monitoring on my NetVibes page
My Facebook Home
MySpace Profile
Subscribe to my FriendFeed here
Check out my Secondbrain here. I am entitled to two brains aren't I?
Nicheprof's Plaxo Profile
Nicheprof's Konnects Profile
Nicheprof's LinkedIn Profile

Desktop Twitter/FriendFeed Clients Reviewed

A review of three desk top applications that handle Twitter and Friend Feeds. Each of these clients will work on both Mac and PC platforms. A good overview with the Pros and the Cons of each application for those wanting to get a better handle on the rapid-fire flow of information from these increasingly critical info and update sources

read more | digg story

Future of Social Networks - Miami, 2008

FOWA Miami: Future of Social Networks

From: brianoberkirch, 1 month ago

A talk I gave at FOWA Miami with Tantek Çelik and Joseph Smarr.

SlideShare Link

Ed Dale on the New 30-Day Challenge

The new 30-Day Challenge is preparing for a June 1st Launch

Streaming Video by Ustream.TV

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Magnify has just added video search abilities and this is the social media videos page I created.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shaking the Money Tree of Multi-Platform Social Networks

<div><a href=''>Share and annotate your videos</a> with Omnisio!</div>

Monday, May 12, 2008 Best Social Media Advice From This Site

An excellent compendium of social media sites courtesy of Chris Brogan and Alexa Scordato.

read more | digg story

Friday, May 9, 2008

Paul Bradshaw's expanded post on how online journalists (and others) can use Twitter and some tool tips.
List of 150+ Twitter Tools updated 5/9/08
New Feature Lets You Take Your MySpace Profile to Other Sites, including, Twitter, eBay and others.
Max Kalehoff's "OnlineSpin" post about "Why Twitter Matters.." Max is VP of Marketing for Clickable.
A collaborative Twitter Handbook from Warren Whitlock & Coach Deb. Nice tips for micro-bloggers.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My generated suggestions on who I should follow on Twitter... Shockingly Good matches!
Current Twitter Blacklist. Interesting ratios disclosed on the about page
Charles Arthur's guide to the benefits of Twitter - and how to get started
You might enjoy 7 Ways to Use Microblogging Services for Traffic and Brand Exposure

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I suggest you check out the Public beta offer to obtain client & consumer feedback at UserVoice
This is a very promising social aggregator site that is in beta mode. Join me on a test drive now
Listening to music while I work on my new social media resource. Quality Free Music Web 2.0 Style here
Just revisited an oldie but a goodie if you use blogs and RSS Feeds

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I encourage you all to check out Second Brain as a useful social aggregator.
The missing 2Checkout Registration link. Not an affiliate link
2Checkout is a PayPal alternative. Normal Registration Fee is Refunded for Vendors signing up 5/6/08 before 10pm EST US Not affiliate link

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just finished my Netvibes resource update page and invite you to follow me there.
Interesting Demographic Data from late 2007 between Facebook and Google's Open Source Platform
Revealing new Social Networking Usage Study just released by Rapleaf

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I just posted a SlideShow that illustrates the power of Flickr as a Web 2.0 Force

Flickr as a Social Media Web 2.0 Force

Tagging - web 2 expo 2008

From: kakul, 6 days ago

SlideShare Link

Saturday, May 3, 2008

This post was made possible by using Ping.FM. It posts Micro Message to 11 services at once. I can supply you the required beta code.