Monday, October 6, 2008

Maximize Your Offline Consulting Income

Something very cool is happening to a friend of mine (and it could be a lucrative gold mine for YOU too).

Businesses in Jim's hometown are seeking him out to ask about the most basic of Internet business strategies.

And the best part...

They're willing to pay him up to $750/hr for his advice!

They are literally LINED UP! And they'll line up for you too if you learn a few simple secrets.

Here's an amazing fact most internet marketers have completely missed.

The simple online marketing strategies you or I see as common place are revolutionary powerful profit makers for traditional "brick and mortar" businesses.

Most small businesses are clueless when it comes to interent marketing and business owners just don't have the time to learn the basics and take action.

In a few weeks you can have multiple small business clients...ordinary businesses you pass by every day.

These businesses will happily pay you large upfront fees and monthly retainers for the most basic of services.

You can keep all those fees for yourself or you can even OUTSOURCE all the hard work!
And here's where this gets exciting for you...

Two of the most respected and successful "Online to Offline" marketers have just launched a new site that gives you all the tools you need to get hired for multiple thousands of dollars...

You can be taking checks from business owners this month, this week...even as soon as today!
Other members of this site have been paid that quickly.

My friend Jim Cockrum is one of the founders of this new site. Check this out:
Online Marketing for Offline Business

This site went live just a few days ago and already the positive feedback is rolling in!
Look what I found...

"$1,500 the first day" "$3,000 with my first sale" "Got a great project with my first try" "Got paid on the day I tried it"

People are making some serious income immediately using the secrets packed on this site... Online Marketing for Offline Business

A tip I got from Jim:

One simple way to put this trend to work for you is to simply start telling people that you are an Internet Marketing Consultant or Adviser.

The business will COME TO YOU!

A few basic skills with email and simple lead generation websites (easily built by outsource partners) is all it takes.

To your continued growth and prosperity,

aka Dr. Ron the NicheProf

P.S. At a minimum you should go grab the complimentary fact filled 44 page report and the N0 C0ST "forum access only" membership.

You'll figure out very quickly if this is for you or not.

I checked out the no cost discussion forums and they are already BUZZING with excited members!

Go see for yourself at the link below right now... Online Marketing for Offline Business

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When visitors are bombarded by these other ads, they leave in frustration. In the long run, the site loses money because it simply isn't generating enough sales to justify charging a decent rate for advertising. The idea is balancing these other ways of earning you money without taking away from the income stream you already have.
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